ADG Marketing

亚特兰大设计集团将在竞争激烈的必威靠谱吗Branding和商业营销环境中为您提供优势. Our specialized and tailored services include branding, web development, email/social media marketing, 印刷设计, presentations, and renderings. ADG的经验为我们提供了技术技能和现实世界的专业知识,使您能够接触和影响现有客户并吸引新业务, quickly and effectively.

我们与其他营销机构的不同之处在于,我们专注于设计/建筑行业. In our vast experience as a partner support company for Designers, 建筑商, and Architects, 我们花了数年的时间在这个市场上生活和学习,同时完善我们的方法来定位和识别你想要接触的客户. 我们的团队站在新技术的最前沿,不断适应整合尖端产品和平台,使我们能够将您的业务与必威靠谱吗行业相结合.

Working with ADG, 专注于设计行业的业务可以让我们深入了解您的目标市场,这是一般营销机构所不具备的.  Partner with us, 您将获得量身定制的Branding和商业营销Services,以反映和代表您的创意, effectively and dynamically.

ADG Marketing is a Brand of Atlanta Design Group

branding and business marketing


The first and most crucial step for any company is Branding.

When companies engage in brand development, 他们正在投资一个过程,以确保他们未来的盈利能力和可持续性. In today’s over-crowded, over-done and over-the-top marketplace, 你必须有自己的立场,让自己与众不同,让目标市场欣赏你, recognize and incorporate your brand into their personal identity, interests and business requirements.

This approach aids and influences the decision to purchase. Branding发展的结果是为你的客户创造一个如何思考的指南, 以一种最有利于盈利和增长的方式感受和互动你的Branding. In order to create a brand, 组织必须从三个基本概念开始,并提出与之相关的关键问题.

branding and business marketing

1. 定位

What is your target market? Where are the spaces in your industry that allow you to be seen, heard and remembered for a strategic competitive advantage? What do people call you? 你如何采取一种由外而内的方法来帮助你了解客户的真实想法, 感受和做?

branding and business marketing

2. Brand Meaning

Build meaning into your brand … How do you talk about it? What do you say about it? What does it look like, and what do you stand for? What can you say about it in 30 seconds? Why and how does your organization really benefit your customer? What is the reason for your existence beyond making a profit?

branding and business marketing

3. Brand Delivery

How do you deliver your brand? What consistent parameters do you place around it? What ways can you leverage it? What media and channels best support it? How can you get your employees to live and breath the brand?

So, Where Is Your Brand?

Think about your service, product or company. Do you have a solid plan in place? Were you able to fully answer the questions above? 你的Branding定位是否正确,是否有效地建立了Branding资产? 无论你是一家初创公司还是一家成熟公司,都认识到并理解Branding发展的重要性, 我们可以帮忙, from start to finish and across all mediums.


Atlanta Design Group offers a wide range of marketing services. 我们坚信,为了我们的成功,我们的客户需要成功. 让我们的内部营销团队帮助您建立您的Branding和发展您的业务. Below are some of our services.

ADG Atlanta Design Group Logo Samples

Your company’s logo is an essential piece of your identity. It is the very first impression a customer gets, 产品的质量和设计将决定你的客户对你的业务的最初看法. 一个设计良好的专业标志会使所有的不同,并将设定你想要呈现的形象的基调.

The process of designing a logo is often oversimplified, 因此,网络上充满了“标志设计”网站,你可以从库存图像中建立自己的网站, characters and templates.  Nothing says amateur like a cut and paste logo, and that’s simply not the image you want for your business.  正确的标志设计可能需要数小时甚至数天的研究和微调,才能创造出代表你公司的正确身份.  Remember, you only get one chance at a first impression.  Designing a logo, is the most crucial time to hire a professional. With our experienced graphic designers, Atlanta Design Group will create and deliver to you a professional, high quality logo that will make that lasting impression.

ADG Atlanta Design Group Website Samples

一个公司的网站是最有价值的资产之一,当它涉及到你的业务增长和发展你的Branding. We live in a digital world, and with the ease of access to online content 24/7 via mobile devices, it is more important than ever to have an effective online presence.

As a rule of thumb, 这是大多数消费者在调查一家新公司或寻找一项Services时采取的第一步, is to “Google” it. If your business is not properly listed online, to allow your company to rank on the first page, you are at a major disadvantage to your competition. If a potential client cannot find your business, to them you don’t exist and you lose instant credibility.

Atlanta Design Group specializes in online marketing and website development.  Specifically, 我们花了数年的时间来开发我们的项目,针对我们的必威靠谱吗和建筑/建造客户,确定市场机会和Branding战略. 无论你是在一个新业务的启动阶段,还是着手更新/重塑你当前的商业网站, the process can seem overwhelming. ADG offers you a solution for the entire process. From concept to designing a site that reflects your brand, setting up hosting of the site, 做幕后工作,写代码,我们甚至走了额外的英里,并提交您的网站到各种搜索引擎,如谷歌,以确保您的排名为最佳曝光,当潜在客户在线搜索您.

ADG Atlanta Design Group Pint Samples

打印 Marketing In today’s digital world, gets overlooked as obsolete. 精心设计的印刷营销始终被证明具有更高的参与率, than it’s digital counterpart.  研究表明,五分之四(79%)的消费者会立即对直接邮件采取行动, whereas only 45% act on email immediately. 随着各种数字营销渠道的出现,比如社交媒体和谷歌广告词, 质量排名的竞争非常激烈,通常你的广告会因为过度饱和而被忽视.

At Atlanta Design Group, 我们理解印刷作为一种媒介在您的整体营销策略中扮演的重要角色.  我们也是如何帮助您在数字营销中实施印刷的专家,以优化您与潜在客户的接触. With the added bonus of modern digital printing technology, the cost of producing printed materials is more affordable than ever.


  • 宣传册
  • 传单
  • 直接邮件
  • Business Stationary
  • 海报
  • 标志
  • 等.
ADG Atlanta Design Group SEO 社交媒体

Through social media today, a business can have access to thousands of potential customers, making it an essential to any marketing plan. With so many different social networks out there, 很难确定什么对你的业务是最好的,以及如何正确地整合它来建立你的Branding和发展客户.  我们在亚特兰大设计集团的营销专长之一是利用社交媒体不仅增加追随者,而且将他们转化为客户. 我们提供全面的社交媒体套餐,我们将根据您的需求制定具体的计划,包括:

  • Guidance in selecting the proper network(s)
  • Walk through the setup of the accounts
  • Optimize your page content and images
  • Create a Content plan for you to follow for regular posting
  • Targeted advertising campaigns to gain traffic and leads

ADG understands that Social media can be overwhelming. 让亚特兰大设计集团指导您完成使这项Services有趣和易于使用的过程,并将其用于您的业务.

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If you have any questions, please contact us at 770-447-9308