艺术作品是创立亚特兰大设计集团(ADG)的原创产品。, 起源于40多年前. ADG于1976年开始以国际艺术品牌生产艺术品. Today the art program is now known as 必威靠谱 serving the design and builder trades with 现成的框架和定制艺术品. 40年来,艺术经历了许多变化. 技术将艺术品扩展到一系列印刷和展示的可能性,这些可能性是无止境的.
必威靠谱不仅提供定制艺术品. Our gallery showcases a large collection of pre-framed art that can be purchased “as is” off the wall. This is great for those quick turnaround jobs that don’t always have the flexibility or time to have custom art made. 如果需要的话,你也可以检查一下批准的作品.
必威靠谱 is made-up of 现成的框架和定制艺术品 all designed by our in-house Art Designer, 肖恩利瑞, 并在我们位于诺克罗斯的总部本地生产, GA.
“My Ambition as an Art Designer is to bridge beautiful design with affordable pricing mixing innovative design with unusual substrates… all while encompassing today’s technological advances in artwork and at affordable wholesale costing to you – our customer.”
美丽的艺术品是我们的激情,品质是我们的使命。. 超越客户的期望是你的好处!
帕特里克·艾伦的设计中心位于我们位于诺克罗斯的总部, GA包含成千上万的印刷品, 模具和垫的选择,以适应任何设计调色板或预算. Patrick Allen has teamed up with leading US publishers and 造型 companies to provide you with an endless selection of material to pull from. Our in-house art designers can assist with the final design or give tips on different techniques that can be used to enhance your artwork. This is especially important when you want to customize your work with enhanced matting and framing techniques without exceeding your budget.
Patrick Allen also has the capability of printing proprietary imagery on multiple substrates at practically any size with the added ability to also make color changes as needed. This provides our clients with flexibility in their design to help create that unique one-of-a-kind product or look. 有关我们Capabilities的更多详细信息,请参阅下面的Capabilities部分.
What sets 必威靠谱 apart from our competitors is our “can-do” attitude and our vast capabilities to provide our clients with the most sophisticated artwork available in today’s market.
Our In-House State-of-the Art Manufacturing facility located in Norcross allows our in-house Art Designers to control cost, 保证质量和准时交货. Having our own manufacturing plant allows us to manage every segment of the art development process from start to finish. 结合我们的艺术和策展人才, having our own custom art house is an important part of what makes 必威靠谱 unique.
We can create dynamic artwork with scope and style for your site-specific needs with our Printing-On-Demand (POD) capabilities. 特别与设计师一起创建, 架构师, 和公司实体,我们能够为您的承印物定制艺术品, 颜色及尺寸规格.
美术作品只有一两种尺寸的时代已经一去不复返了! 当尺寸问题,我们可以打印图像,几乎任何尺寸,你需要的.
经典画布. Canvas gives artwork a fine art quality and the various wrapping options gives you the freedom to select how you want to experience your artwork. Canvas wrapped 图片 can be hung as a Gallery Wrap with no frame or mounted into a floater frame.
前卫与现代. Printed on 1/8” brushed aluminum the metallic reflection glimmers through the ink whenever white is present in the image. 为了增加效果,在图像周围添加一个普通的金属边框. 我们的铝很轻,不会翘曲. 它也是完全防水的. 金属 artwork can be hung using floating bars mounted to the back of the artwork or by stand-offs for a more edgy-industrial look.
魅力与世故. Have your image printed directly on the reverse side of a ¼” – 3/8” clear acrylic sheet or Glass. Maximize the coverage by printing the image full-bleed all around or add a clear border to the image to accentuate the substrate. 亚克力重量轻,耐冲击. 所有的边缘都抛光干净. Hang with either stand-offs or with floater bars allowing the image to float approximately 1” off the wall.
乡村. 天然木材基材赋予艺术品质朴的感觉. 木头上的结使每一块木头都独一无二. 图像越白,透出的木头越多. 悬挂或挂在你最喜欢的造型.
我们的纸是100%棉纤维, 无酸的, strong and dimensionally stable; perfect for a luxurious, 纹理精美的艺术再现.
ADG了解截止日期的重要性. We also know that sometimes things happen in the field that create the need for last minute artwork. ADG与其供应商密切合作,开发了我们独特的FasTrack计划. The FasTrack计划 allows you to have custom artwork produced and available for pick-up or shipping within three (3) days. 您所需要做的就是从我们庞大的内部印刷收藏中选择您的图像, 选择你的垫子 & 从我们的库存中提取,剩下的就交给我们……就这么简单!
需要在3天内完成? You can make selections from our pre-made framed art line that is showcased in our gallery and is ready for immediate purchase thru our cash and carry program. 如果需要,我们也可以为您的艺术品发货.
我们的内部Installation公司, TriMarcInstallation, can schedule your artwork to be installed by one of our professional installers locally or out-of-state. 通过使用我们的内部Installation团队,您的Installation率是打折的. 请致电ADG客户Services部查询价格和可用性.
我们也可以通过我们的国家运营商网络运送您的艺术品. ADG has extensive knowledge of how to prepare artwork for shipping which has allowed us to have less than a half percent damage on all product shipped.
Keep in mind that all of the following products can be made for customer pickup as well as getting picked and shipped to any final destination as we have a full shipping and receiving department. Our installation company, Trimarc, can also assist you with installing any of the above products. 请致电我们了解更多有关这些产品或Services的信息.
We can assist with the design layout and completion of your design boards as we have all the proper tools in-house for cutting and mounting of all your materials.
We can frame any of your Bulletin board’s whether they are whiteboards, chalkboards, or cork boards. We can even work with you on framing glass board with standard framing or standoffs for a more contemporary look. 需要一个更定制尺寸的板? 没问题,如果你需要的话,我们可以按你的定制尺寸为你订购上述任何一种板材.
对于那些需要更多深度的工作来说, 我们还为古董镜子应用提供多种不同的设计. This is a great look for someone needing a more artistic look as we have 9 different Antique mirrors to choose from that can be custom sized to fit your needs. 你也可以使用古董镜作为强调件,以突出在评委面板, 厨房的橱柜, 天花板, 或者任何你能想到的应用.
亚特兰大设计集团为当地建筑商提供完整的交钥匙解决方案, 项目经理, 和房主通过测量和Installation您的定制镜框工作. 如果您的项目不在州内, we can crate your custom 把镜子 and ship it to your job site directly for easy installation.
镜面包装™框架解决方案易于Installation, 他们把浴室里的大镜子变成了一个优雅的焦点. 每个镜子包装框架是定制的,可以直接Installation到现有的镜子上.